Java History

It was 1990, Sun Microsystems Inc. (US) has imagined a simple project to develope software application for cunsumer electronic devices that could be controlled by a remote. This project was called Stealth Project however later its name was changed to Green Project.

It was January of 1991, The Green Team memebers decided to sit on round table to discuss about the there project, The team was consist on 5 main member James Gosling, Mike Sheradin, Patrick Naughton chirs Warth Ed Frank and several others These budies devided the project in different parts Mike Sheradin was focused on Business Development, Patrick Naughton thought he might work on the Graphics systems and the job of James Gosling was to identify the suiatable programming language for the project. The idea clicked in Gosling mind that. Hey guys! It might be possible that we can use C and C++ to develop the project. But the problem which he faced was that they were both system dependent languages and hence could not be used for various processors which the electronics devices might use. So he decided to develop a new language which must be completely system independent.At the initital stage this language was called as OAK.  Since this name was trademark name registered by an other company, Since java was so unique name, most of the team members agreed on it to change name to java. Finally was changed to JAVA as an official name in 1995.

Why the name is JAVA?

Firstly, James Gosling called it as "Greentalk" having file After that team thougt it is not good name for this language lets change to something unique which shows strength.

The all agreed to change it to Oak, since it was already a trademark of an other company so they decide to think some thing else.The Grean Team members always were consuming a lot of coffee while developing this language. James Gosling and his team members felt that they might were able to develop a one of the best language because of the good quality of coffee they always consumed during there project. Basically coffee had its own importance in the developing of this language and good quality of coffe is exported to the entire world from a place which is called 'JAVA ISLAND', It is a volcano-dotted island located in indonesia . Hence they decided to fix the name of the place for the language as JAVA. Thats why we always see there is a coffee cup and saucer when ever java comes in mind.

By the end of September 1994, Naughton and friend Jonathan Payne started to write WebRunner-a Java based Web browser, This browser was later renamed as HotJava. After that in October 1994, HotJava was was demonstrated to Sun executives. It was the first ever browser, having the capabilities of executing applets, Applets are basicaly those tiny programs designed to run dynamically on Internet.

The primary and straight forward motivation was the need for a platform-independent (that is, architecture-neutral) language that could be used to create software to be embedded in different
consumer Home appliances, electronic devices, such as remote control devices, microwave ovens etc.

Gosling and others started to work on a portable, platform-independent language
that can be used to create such a code that could run on different types of systems(CPUs+OperatingSystems)
That effort ultimately led to the result of creation of Java.

Java Versions?

1. JDK 1.0
Released on 23rd of January 1996.
Initial Release.

2. JDK 1.1
Released on 19th of February 1997.
New Features in this version:
  •      RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
  •      Inner Classes
  •      Reflection (introspection only)
  •      JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
  •      Java Beans
3. J2SE 1.2
Released on 8th of December 1998.
Code name is Playground.
New Features in this version:
  •     Collections framework
  •     Audio support in Applets
  •     Just In Time (JIT) compiler
  •     Policy Tool for granting access to system resources
  •     Java String memory map for constants.  
  •     Java Foundation Classes (JFC) which consists of Swing 1.0, Drag and Drop,   
  •     Java Plug-in
  •     Jar Signer signing Java ARchive (JAR) files
  •     Scrollable result sets, CLOB, BLOB, batch update
  •     user-defined types in JDBC

4. J2SE 1.3
Released on 8th of May 2000.
Code name is Kestrel.
New Features in this version:
  •     Jar Indexing
  •     Java Sound
  •     A huge list of enhancements in almost all the     java area.
5. J2SE 1.4
Released on 6th of February 2002.
Code name is Merlin.
New Features in this version:
  •     Java Print Service
  •     XML Processing
  •     Chained Exception
  •     Logging API
  •     Regular Expressions
  •     Java Web Start
  •     Preferences API
  •     JDBC 3.0 API
  •     IPv6 Support
  •     Assertions
  •     Image I/O API
6. J2SE 1.5
Released on 30th of September 2004.
Code name is Tiger.
New Features in this version:
  •     Generics
  •     Static Import
  •     Enhanced for Loop
  •     Instrumentation
  •     Typesafe Enums
  •     Autoboxing/Unboxing
  •     Varargs
  •     Metadata (Annotations)
7. J2SE 1.6
Released on 11th of December 2006.
Code name is Mustang.
New Features in this version:
  •     Java Compiler API
  •     Scripting Language Support
  •     Pluggable Annotations
  •     Integrated Web Services
  •     JDBC 4.0 API
  •     Native PKI, Java GSS, Kerberos and LDAP       support
  •     Lot more enhancements
8. J2SE 1.7
Released on 28th of July 2011.
Code name is Dolphin.
New Features in this version:
  •     Strings in switch Statement
  •     Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
  •     Multiple Exception Handling
  •     Support for Dynamic Languages
  •     Try with Resources
  •     Java nio Package
  •     Binary Literals, underscore in literals
  •     Diamond Syntax
  •     Automatic null Handling
9. Java SE 8
Java 8 was released on 18th of  March 2014
The code name culture was dropped with Java 8 and so no further official code name will be from Java 8 ton onwards.
New features in Java SE 8:
  •     Nashhorn JavaScript Engine
  •     Lambda Expressions
  •     Date and Time API
  •     Pipelines and Streams
  •     Type Annotations
  •     Parallel operations
  •     Default Methods
  •     PermGen Error Removed
  •     Concurrent Accumulators
  •     TLS SNI
10. Java SE 9
Java Development Kit (JDK) 9 is set for release on 27th of July 2017
New features in Java SE 9:

  •    The Modular JDK (Jigsaw/JSR 376 and JEP 261)
  •    Modular Source Code
  •    Multi-Release JAR Files
  •    Modular Java Application Packaging
  •    Stack-Walking API
  •    Modular Run-Time Images
  •    jlink: The Java Linker
  •    Module System
Developer Convenience
  •    jshell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
  •    Variable Handles
  •    Milling Project Coin
  •    Convenience Factory Methods for Collections
  •    Spin-Wait Hints
  •    More Concurrency Updates
  •    Enhanced Deprecation
  •    Store Interned Strings in CDS Archives
  •    Indify String Concatenation
  •    Remove the JVM TI hprof Agent
  •    Add More Diagnostic Commands
  •    Remove the jhat Tool
JVM Options
  •    Validate JVM Command-Line Flag Arguments
  •    Remove GC Combinations Deprecated in JDK 8
  •    Make G1 the Default Garbage Collector
  •    Platform Logging API and Service
  •    Unified GC Logging
  •    Unified JVM Logging
  •    Javadoc Search
  •    Compact Strings
  •    HTML5 Javadoc
  •    Parser API for Nashorn
  •    HTTP 2 Client (and begin replacing "the legacy HttpURLConnection API")
  •    Implement Selected ECMAScript 6 Features in Nashorn
  •    Deprecate the Applet API
Native Platform
  •   Process API Updates ("Improve the API for controlling and managing operating-system processes.")
  •    Platform-Specific Desktop Features
  •    Update JavaFX/Media to Newer Version of GStreamer
  •    Prepare JavaFX UI Controls & CSS APIs for Modularization
  •    Multi-Resolution Images
  •    TIFF Image I/O
  •    Unicode 7.0
  •    Unicode 8.0
  •    Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
  •    Encapsulate Most Internal APIs
  •    BeanInfo Annotations
  •    Ahead-of-Time Compilation
  •    Enhanced Method Handles

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