What is Java

In this tutorial, We will learn about what is Java and where Java is used similarly who created the Java language and History of Java and its different versions and more important what you can create using Java, so let's start!!

Java is the latest technology used nowadays everywhere, It is the combination of both as Programming Language and Platform.

Programming Language: A programming language is a specific language designed to used by programmers to create software programs or set of instructions/statements to command the computer to perform a specific task. It is like other languages that different people of different countries speak to communicate and understand each other, Java is called high-level language because it is easy to understand by human-like English language has grammatical rules, Java language designed on specific rules such as syntax must follow a programmer to write a program. It is the extended version of C++ because it is evolved from C++, First, it was named as C++ with classes after that name given as Oak and later on finally it was given an official name as Java in 1995. As we know that computer only understands the 0's and 1's(machine language) so to communicate with the computer we need to convert a program written in any language to native language which 0's and 1'combination which is called machine language. Specific Softwares called Compilers and Interpreters are used to convert/translate source code written in the programming language to machine code.

Platform: Platform is simply an environment that provides you the functionality to run your programs, services. Java has rich Java Runtime Environment(JRE), Virtual Machine, Application Programing Interface(API), compiler to run applications and services.

Who Created Java Language?

James Gosling created this language at Sun Microsystems as leading team member of Green Team Project in 1991, This team consisted of some members some of them are James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, Chris Warth Ed Frank and Patrick Naughton.

Where Java is used?

Java is used everywhere that's why a slogan is used whenever someone talk about the Java as Write Once Run Anywhere(WORA), It is because of Java is Portable and Platform Independent, Interpreted,Distributed language It means if you write a program on one Operation System machine platform it can be run on another platform, such as if you write it on Unix platform it can run on windows as well.

According to the Oracle, there are about more than 9 million Java developers worldwide and more than 3 billion mobile phone devices which run Java.

There is a question in mind of many programmers that where Java is actually being used in the real world before they get started with Java There are many electronic devices where Java is currently being used. Some of them are discussed bellow.

1.Desktop Applications
Such as
jEdit: It is very easy to use programmer's text editor written in Java. It has an easy to use interface that resembles with many other Windows and MacOS text editors.
Eclipse: A Desktop Applications written in Java which is mostly used IDE nowadays by developers to create Java Platform programs.
SQL Developer: It is an Integrated development environment (IDE) which provides the functionality for working with SQL in Oracle databases
Netbeans: It is written in Java Similar to Eclipse IDE mostly used to develop Java Applications.
Java AWT and Swing are mostly used to create Desktop Applications.

2.Web Applications.
From the birth of Java, it is Internet Programing language, there are many websites written in Java Web frameworks.
Such as Linkedin: Which is primarily written in Java.
Amazon: Also uses Java.
Facebook: Facebook uses Java in different areas such as in messaging platform.
Google: Google uses Java in Google Talk and Google Plus.
Irctc.co.in, ebay.com, JavaWorld, O’Reilly, Developer.com, Java.net, Stack Overflow, jGuru ... and so on.

Here are some framework which are mostly used in the development of Web Applications
Such as Servlet, JSP, JSF, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, GWT, Vaadin, Play! Framework, Grails etc

3.Enterprise Applications.

Such as Banking Applications. Customer Relationship Management(CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP), Call Center Apps and Customer Support Applications, Health information management system, Automated Billing Systems, Financial Apps, Accounting Applications ... and so on.

4.Mobile Applications.
Snaptu, Opera Mini, Bolt, eBuddy, Nimbuzz, etc.

What you can create/develop Using Java?

Here are the 4 major types of applications categories that you can create using Java technology.

1. Desktop Applications
Also called Windows Based Applications, the apps which run on your desktop such as Netbeans, Eclipse, Antivirus, etc.

2. Web Applications
The applications which need internet connectivity to run, These applications runs on the server side, creates dynamic pages on basis of user requests, such as Java.net, Stack Overflow, jGuru, Irctc.co.in etc.

3. Enterprise Applications.
The applications which are used in enterprises, big organizations, business sectors, such as stock exchange Apps, e-Banking Applications etc.

4.Mobile Applications.
The Applications which are executed on your mobiles phones, Java ME and Android are mostly used for mobile applications.

Here is the simple java program.

class Hello{ 
  public static void main(String args[]){
    System.out.println("This is a simple java Program");


This is a simple java Program.

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